Tuesday, March 19, 2013

What's That Smell

  That smell my friends, that smell is the smell of a tired woman who desperately needs a bottle of wine and definitely a shower. I am trying to recall if I even put on deodorant this morning as I was chasing the Space Invader out the door, late as usual.
Flash back to Sunday, there I am making cheese from scratch for lasagna, while cleaning, and putting together the mass amounts of "things" for the wedding. Just when I feel a little accomplished, I remind myself of the list 100 items long of unfinished wedding crafts and other "to do's" OR I run out of something requiring yet another trip to Wal Mart or Michaels. Flash forward from Sunday to last night, the Sarg is sawing logs in his chair while the little one's eye lids are barely open, and there I am busily measuring yards and yards of lace I will sew into table runners.

Now I lay me down to rest
The office full of wedding mess
And if I die before I wake
That's one less center piece I have to make

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

And the Oscar goes to

Good morning [Wifey], (because she is probably the only one who reads this darn thing and maybe the Sergeant if he remembers to look for it), anyway.... So today is one of those days where I claim to be mom of the year and deserve an Oscar plus a case of wine:

Everyone at some points in their life is either bendin over to take it, bendin over to kiss it, or being water boarded while making their face look like they just ate a lobster dinner followed by chocolate cheesecake and a case of wine; it's just a fact of life. It's not meant to sound whiney, but I think that parents of families of the mix and match variety are probably fakin it to make it a lot more than traditional families. Not just Not The Mama's are faking it, dads fake it, moms fake it, and maybe even some older children are fakin it. There have been many times I have had to suck it up and fake it in front of the Space Invader's Mother(SIM); and there will be so many to come.

So about a month and a half ago, I signed the SI up for K-Rat-A (I am always saying it spaced out and silly like Spongebob). She loves to do karate, and I love that she loves to do it! Karate is a "sport" or activity that helps children gain confidence, strength, discipline, respect, and it requires them to exercise their listening skills. And the Lord and any parent know children need their listening skills to be exercised A LOT.
Not only does the Space Invader love karate, she loves her mother too. That being said, it is incredibly heart breaking when we get home each Wednesday night and her face has gone from karate high to slack jawed hound dog because she is always so disappointed that the SIM claims she is going to go watch K-Rat-A and then fails to make her cameo. So... I swallowed a giant ostrich size pill with no water and invited her via text to please join us for karate. She said "we will be there!" (We as in her and her geriatric sugar daddy). So I get the pleasure of spending this evening in the company of SIM and Gpa, YAY! Can't you just see the delight gleaming from my cheekbones?

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Hott Mess

Where has June been? She has been crazy (note talking about myself in the third person). So the Sarg asked me to marry him, and I said yes, then I laughed a lot, but I said yes. Then I decided to plan an entire wedding in only a few months, and it has turned me into a huge mess. That being said, in regards to my space invader:
Parenting is like being a manic depressive bipolar woman on her menstrual cycle who forgot to take her lithium and is riding a roller coaster. One moment you feel like your kid(s) probably hate you, you are too hard on them, not showing enough affection, and probably ruining their life; the next you feel like wonder woman, super girl, elastic-girl (AKA Mrs. Incredible), Oprah, and Martha Stewart probably spliced genes and made “the” supermom. It’s an incredibly exhilarating and taxing ride when one moment you are high on life and then next you’ve puked on your co-rider. But no matter if there are flaming words of frustration or if it is raining kisses from my mouth; in my heart I always love her.