Friday, May 10, 2013

Not The Mama Day

 I hereby dub today officially, Not The Mama Day, in honor of all the wicked step mothers and other Not The Mama types out there who realize that any bimbo can have a baby, but not every bimbo can be a mom. There are many "adopty mommys", "step mommy's", and "other mother's" out there struggling everyday with the same stuff "Official Moms"(if you will) struggle with and even more. Pile on baby momma drama to that, plus all those wonderful looks one gets when they tell a stuck up "Official Mom" that they are not the "Official Mom" of that child, and even some out there who struggle to be the best parent they can for a child and the child hates them with the flames of a thousand burning hemorrhoids, but that woman loves them anyway. And today, I would like to say thanks to all of them and let them know, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!

 BUT, honestly,  probably the most important lesson of all, that women should know about Mother's and Not The Mama's day is: being a mom (or NTM) is that it's a freakin privilege, not a damn right. The state of fugged up  sunny Californ-I-A would agree with me there, seeing as how if my military hubster is gone for a week or two on training, I may or may not have the right to visit the Space Invader. The parenting quality of her M-O-M seems to have no bearing on if I will be given the right to visit with a child I have been mothering for sometime.

Sometimes I forget that having the little shit ray of sunshine in my life is such a privilege. When we have had lots of time together and that non stop sing songy thing she does is going to make me blow a gasket, I have to remind my self that between the military's indecisive manner and the SIM's mood swings, I could be spending a lot more time in silence then I asked for.

Consequently, I have been spending much silent time this week, and will be into next as the Sarg is out on training and I have have the schedule cut down from every other day to Wednesday only. So this Mother's day, I will be serving chow to some moms who see everyday as a privilege and probably need some support and appreciated the most.